Gabriele Tarquini praised as ‘touring car colossus’ after retirement announcement

Alan Gow, the president of the FIA Touring Car Commission has praised Gabriele Tarquini as a ‘touring car colossus’ after the Italian driver announced he will retire from full-time competition at the end of the year.

Tarquini made the announcement ahead of his home round of the World Touring Car Cup at Adria this weekend, bringing to an end a career that saw him win the WTCC and WTCR titles as well as the European and British Touring Car Championship crowns.

The 59-year-old has started well over 600 races in his touring car career and is the oldest driver to win an FIA title during a saloon car career running to almost 30 years.

“For three decades Gabriele Tarquini has been at the forefront of touring car racing at both national and international level,” he said. “His decision to retire from full-time driving at the end of the season marks the end of an incredible career that also included stints in Formula One and so much more beforehand.

“Of course, I remember well the impact he had on the British Touring Car Championship. Despite his limited knowledge of only some of the tracks, he took the title at his first attempt in 1994 with some formidable drives.

“His two FIA World Touring Car crowns, including the first WTCR title in 2018 at the age of 57, were among a number of standout achievements that will ensure Gabriele’s place in motorsport history as a touring car colossus.”

Xavier Gavory, director of the World Touring Car Cup, admitted that Tarquini’s decision was the ‘end of an era’ and that it was unlikely that his longevity at the highest level of the sport would be matched in future.

“Gabriele’s retirement is very much the end of an incredible era and the WTCR paddocks and race tracks of the world won’t be the same without him,” he said. “While the WTCR will go on attracting the best touring car drivers in the business, I doubt we will see another driver of Gabriele’s ability and longevity ever again.

“A lot is made of his age, but it really is a credit to his character and talent that he keeps delivering year after year, always committed and rarely giving his rivals the chance to defend or attack.

“The word legend gets used all too easily in sport but Gabriele is a legend for what he has accomplished. There’s no question we’ll all miss him but we look forward to giving him a fitting send-off at the season-deciding WTCR Race of Russia later this month.”