Photo: DTM Media

Mattias Ekström has removed his cast

Mattias Ekström has removed the cast on his left arm after an accident during a Volleyball game earlier this year.
“Yesterday I visited Movemed in Zürich and I had an X-ray and it looked good so the doctor removed the cast,” said Ekström.

The Swede has started his rehabilitation ahead of the Deutsche Tourenwagen Masters season premiere at Hockenheim on the first of May.

“I feel stiff and weak in the muscles, today the rehabilitation starts and I keep my fingers crossed that it runs fine. As we all know, Rome was not built in one day,” said Ekström.

Ekström has missed a number of pre-season tests due to his injury but is nonetheless hopeful ahead of the season.

“I aim to and I will give 100 per cent in every race to be able to say at the end of the season: my performance was top. Whether or not this was enough to be champion remains to be seen – but this is obviously the target,” said Ekström.