Photo: ETCC Media

ETCC back to single event for 2011

The European Touring Car Cup will return to a single event at the Salzburgring in July, according to the FIA’s latest events calendar.

The Salzburgring in Austria hosted the second round of the three event 2010 European Touring Car Cup as well as the 2008 event which was won by Danish driver Michel Nykjaer.

The FIA has now released the 2011 calendar which confirms the Cup will return to a single event on 24th July, much earlier in the season than the race has taken place in previous years. The European Touring Car Cup has historically been scheduled to take place after the majority of the national championships seasons have ended.

The race does however take place during both the new STCC, ADAC Procar and BTCC’s mid-season break, although the latter series will have a minority of Super 2000 cars which are eligible for the event this year.