
Richard Göransson: “Title is all that matters”

Richard Göransson has got the chance to become the first driver ever to claim four Swedish Touring Car Championship titles.
“I do not give a damn about being second or third. The winner is the only thing you remember,” said Göransson to the official championship site.

Göransson is facing tough opposition this weekend during the final two races at Mantorp Park from Robert Dahlgren, Volvo, and Fredrik Ekblom, Volkswagen – two drivers that have the advantage of team mates for help while Göransson is alone at WestCoast Racing.

“Fredrik has got two team mates, Robert one. I have no one and I guess that I am some what of a dark horse. But I am heading to the finale with good chances to win. There is just five points to Dahlgren and he has only scored more points than me two times this year,” said Göransson.

While Göransson and Ekblom are chasing their fourth title, Dahlgren is chasing his first ever. Extra prestige is added to the fight as this is the final time anyone can be crowned Swedish Touring Car Champion as the championship turns Scandinavian next year.

Göransson had a tough weekend in the last race at Knutstorp, scoring only four points and being involved in several incidents as well as being penalized.

“You have to head to the final race with your mental condition in balance to be able to deliver. It is a huge mental challenge that cannot be compared to anything else. Each decision needs to be carefully thought trough even though you just got a couple of tenths to make them. Are you going to let him past on the inside or not – that is the difference between success and fiasco,” said Göransson.

The first corner of the final race of the year is always something extra and often packed with incidents, as seen in the picture below between Göransson and Dahlgren.

“We are going to fight for our lives with five other drivers that will do anything to make sure that we do not succeed. It is a great risk that something is going to happen. I will be surprised if it does not,” said Göransson.

Dahlgren and Göransson collides in STCC 2004 finale