
Volkswagen confirms two cars in STCC

Three-time STCC-champion Fredrik Ekblom has been confirmed as one of two drivers in a brand new Volkswagen-team for STCC next season. His team mate will be 20-year old Patrik Olsson who competed in the Volkswagen Polo Cup.

The programme is for three years and as we have reported earlier will be run by Brovallen Motorsport using two Volkswagen Sciroccos run with a turbo charged bio gas-engine (CNG).
“For me this is a big challenge,” says Ekblom. “I have been competing in STCC for nine seasons and to be part of a brand new racing concept feels exciting.”

The programme is sponsored by the Swedish energy company E-ON, a company that put a lot of focus on the environmental issue.
“The purpose with our programme is to show the potential with bio-gas, the most “climate smart” fuel. We see this as our next step in our work with bio fuel for cars,” said Håkan Buskhe of E-ON.

Brovallen Motorsport will build the cars for Volkswagen and E-ON. The main man for the building of the cars, Tobias Johansson, is more than pleased with the new deal.
“When they asked me if I wanted to run their STCC-programme I did not have to think for long. I’m having a hard time to imagine anything more inspiring in Swedish motorsport than to introduce a completely new and environmentally friendly fuel,” said Johansson.

Double DTM-champion Mattias Ekström is also involved in the project. Ekström was present during the press conference but has yet to reveale his exact position in the project.

The debate regarding the introduction of bio-gas in STCC and the S2000-rules is already running hot. According to the new Volkswagen/E-ON-team the new gas-engine will produce around 285 BHP. A column by STCC-boss Bob Huzell is exclusively available at TouringCarTimes on the subject of the new fuel – check the front page!